‘Rising Sea
Levels’ is something you all have heard. Let's find out what ‘Rising Sea Levels’
mean, what really happens? Well...... can water really raise itself? Questions?
watch this short video and see if we can find answers to the above
questions...... I am sure you will be intrigued watching this clip........
found my answers watching the video.
are my answers..... have you got yours ready to compare!!!!
- There are two factors for the sea to rise
1. The ocean waters are being heated
due to warming of the climate. Heating of water makes the volume of water to
expand. This causes sea levels to rise.
2. Melt water of land and marine ice
sheets and glaciers adds into the oceans. This melting of the ice sheets
happens above and below sea level. Melting of the marine ice sheet underneath
the surface of the sea cannot be seen. This occurs when a column of warm water from
the tropics flow underneath the surface of the sea and touches the marine ice sheet.
The ice sheet begins to melt triggering the land based ice sheets to move
towards the open oceans.
Sea level rise endangers 10% off the world’s population to date. Scientists predict up to 5 to 6 m of sea
level will rise in the years to come, with an annual increase of at least
10mm/yr within 200 years (Richard et al., 2006).
Megacities situated near coastal areas, home to around 5 million people
will have to migrate inland. Abandoning their homes, facing job loss leading to
economic loss will bring great strain to these coastal areas causing economic
and political chaos (Richard et al., 2006).
So, shall we abandon or adapt our lifestyles and homes to live in this becoming ‘water world’
Good bye, until next time..............
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